Your Library Card
Getting a card, renewing materials, placing holds, etc.
Who can get a card
Anyone who lives in the state of Texas may sign up for library privileges at the Motley County Library, with proper identification. Children must be accompanied by a parent in order to sign up at the library. The card itself is not given to the patron. Instead, it is kept at the library.
Borrowing Limits
First-time borrowers may check out one item. When that is returned in a timely manner (on or before the due date), borrowers may check out up to three items.
Placing Holds
A patron in good standing (no fines or over-due books) may ask that an item be reserved for him. When that item comes in, the librarian will call the patron who asked for the reserve. The patron has 48 hours to pick up the reserved item.
Renewing Your Borrowed Items
Patrons may renew items borrowed from the library for an additional two-week period. They may renew items by calling or by coming into the library. There is no need to bring in the item to be renewed.
Library Fines
Patrons with over-due items will be fined $.05 a day for each item, up to $3.00.