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Motley County Library

Supporting Your Library

How to get involved!


The Motley County Library is a one-person library.  That means that the librarian is the only person in the building, most of the time, that is able to help patrons.  The library has books to shelve, books to check out, shelves to keep in order and other jobs that may easily be done by volunteers.  If you would like to help out at the library, please contact the librarian at 806-347-2717 or come by the library.

Friends of the Library

Join the Friends of the Motley County Library.

The Friends of the Motley County Library meet four times a year.  The purpose of this organization is to support the library, which it does in many ways.  The library needs its Friends. Please join and help the library. Call 806-347-2717 for more information or come by the library. 

The Friends of the Library sponsors the very popular Summer Reading Program for Children each year in June.  From time to time, the Friends sponsors book reviews and discussions.  The Friends also hosts the Beans & Cornbread luncheon during Old Settlers Weekend, and has an annual book sale.

Meetings are at the library on the first Thursdays of February, May, August and November.  Please come and join us.  During these meetings we discuss upcoming events, such as book reviews, special guests, and fund-raising ideas.

The dues are $5.00 a year for individuals, $20.00 a year for supporting members and $100.00 for life members.

Donating Old Books

People often ask if the library accepts used books and videos.  Of COURSE we do!! Never throw a book away before checking with us first!  A lot of the books we have on our shelves have come from individual donations.  And if you bring us books that don't fit the criteria to be shelved, they will be placed in the Friends of the Library annual book sale.  The proceeds of this sale go to buy new books, and to host the various programs we have throughout the year.  So, in one form or another, your used books and videos are a huge help to the library.